Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.™️

Human Resources Department Manager Sato will participate in the internet radio program “Kusuda Yu’s Human Resources Broadcasting Station” sponsored by the HR Executive Consortium (ProFuture Inc.)


Human Resources Department Manager Sato will participate in the internet radio program “Kusuda Yu’s Human Resources Broadcasting Station” sponsored by the HR Executive Consortium (ProFuture Inc.)

Mr. Sato, Manager of the Human Resources Department, will appear as a guest speaker on the internet radio program "Kusuda Yu's Human Resources Broadcasting Station" to share his insights on the "Aspirations as a Human Resources Leader". Please tune in.

Event summary

Name: Kusuda Yu's Human Resources Broadcasting Station
Scheduled appearance (30 minutes each):
1st: September 12, 2023
2nd: September 19, 2023
3rd: September 26, 2023
4th: October 3, 2023
Host: HR Executive Consortium (ProFuture Inc.)
Website: https://www.hrpro.co.jp/hr_broadcasting.php

Speaker information

Name: Tomoya Sato
Affiliation: Human Resources Department
Title: Manager
After graduating from Osaka University's Faculty of Economics, he joined Sumitomo Corporation in 2006 working in the head office human resources department engaged in labor affairs, individual human resources, global human resources, among other duties. He has extensive overseas HR experience, including assignments in New York and Sao Paulo. In 2019, he joined Mercer Japan's M&A advisory service department, where he was engaged in personnel DD and PMI support for cross-border M&A. In September 2022, he joined Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc., and is currently in charge of all matters related to organization and human resource management as the Manager of the Human Resources Department.