Leaked Light Field is an information display technology where the function as a display is imparted to a material with a natural texture by machining fine holes on the surface of the target object. The texture of materials with irregularities, such as leather and wood, cannot be reproduced on a conventional display surface covered with glass or plastic. The display of information has been made possible without damaging the texture of the surface material by machining fine holes on the surface of materials with such textures, thereby enabling passage of light. The feasibility of product design using displays has been broadened due to the wide range of choices of surface materials. Moreover, in the displays manufactured using Leaked Light Field, it is possible to dynamically change the display content depending on the viewing position. It is possible to simultaneously display different information to different people, such as displaying time to people viewing from the right while displaying weather information to people viewing from the left. By applying this function, it is possible to realize stereoscopic vision with naked eyes.
< Case >
■ Case 1.
When conventional displays are mounted on leather-covered dashboards in luxury cars, the display part appears to stand out without blending into the surrounding texture. You want to add a display function without adversely affecting the surrounding texture.
■ Case 2.
You want to display different advertisements depending on the age group and gender of the people passing by.
■ Case 3.
You want to realize stereoscopic vision with naked eyes, without the aid of special devices such as glasses and HMDs.
< Theory >
■ Making surfaces made of various materials, such as mirrors, wood, and leather, into displays
Most of the information equipment around us is equipped with displays as an information presentation device. Ever since such displays were conceived, they have evolved in many ways, such as in resolution, brightness, and size. However, the texture of the display surface has hardly been debated. In Leaked Light Field, we studied the surface material of the display, which had so far not received much attention. We have been able to realize interactions that had not been possible using conventional means, by eliminating the design constraints related to surface materials used in displays.
■ Invisible hole
The surface material of displays using Leaked Light Field has 100-micrometer fine holes. Although such fine holes machined on the surface material are nearly invisible to the human eyes, they provide enough aperture for background light to pass through. The function as a display has been realized by placing a light source behind the surface material, which acts as the background light.
■ International conference papers
[poster] Kazuki Takazawa, Kenta Suzuki, Shinji Sakamoto, Ryuichiro Sasaki, Yoshikuni Hashimoto, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2016. Leaked light field from everyday material: designing material property remained light-field display. In SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Posters (SA ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 7 , 2 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3005274.3005313\
[full paper] Kazuki Takazawa, Kenta Suzuki, Shinji Sakamoto, Ryuichiro Sasaki, Yoshikuni Hashimoto, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2017. Leaked light field from everyday material: designing material property remained light-field display. In Proceedings of the 8th Augmented Human International Conference (AH ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 5 , 9 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3041164.3041174\
[poster] Takazawa, Kazuki, Suzuki, Kenta and Ochiai, Yoichi, (2017), P-69: Leaked Light Field: The Design Method for Natural Material to Display Surface, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 48, doi: 10.1002/sdtp.11934.
■ Awards
Laval Virtual Award 2016 Interfaces & Multi-purpose equipment
■ Media
[TV] Yuichi Ochiai, Futurista, Zoom-in Saturday, Nippon Television Network Corporation (in Japanese)