Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.™️

国際音響学会議International Congress on Acoustics 2022にてピクシーダストテクノロジーズが関係する3件の研究成果が報告されました


国際音響学会議International Congress on Acoustics 2022にてピクシーダストテクノロジーズが関係する3件の研究成果が報告されました

国際音響学会議International Congress on Acoustics 2022にてピクシーダストテクノロジーズが関係する3件の研究成果が報告されました。

ICA2022 Webサイト


(1) Koichiro Doi, Hiromu Ishikawa, Yoshiki Nagatani, Takayuki Hoshi, and Seiji Nakagawa: Hearing Threshold for 40-kHz Airborne Ultrasound, Proc. International Congress on Acoustics 2022 (ICA2022), ABS-0362, Gyeongju, Korea & Virtual, 24-28 Oct. 2022. [Poster]
【概要】本研究では、数10 kHzの空中強力超音波の基本的な知覚特性を調べるために、健聴者を対象に超音波アレイスピーカーから提示される40kHzトーンバーストの聴力閾値を測定した。平均聴力閾値は133.3±2.7dB SPLであるという結果が得られた。

(2) Takayuki Hoshi and Yoshiki O-oka: Airborne Ultrasonic Phased Array using Custom-made High-intensity Transducers, Proc. International Congress on Acoustics 2022 (ICA2022), ABS-0377, Gyeongju, Korea & Virtual, 24-28 Oct. 2022.
【概要】271個の特製振動子を個別に駆動し、市販の振動子よりも強力な焦点音圧を達成できる超音波フェーズドアレイを開発した。焦点距離100 mmで40 kHz成分の音圧レベルが170 dBを超えることを確認した。

(3) Takayuki Hoshi and Yoshiki O-oka: Linearity and Directivity of Optical Fiber Microphone for 40-kHz Airborne Ultrasound, Proc. International Congress on Acoustics 2022 (ICA2022), ABS-0378, Gyeongju, Korea & Virtual, 24-28 Oct. 2022.
【概要】本研究では光ファイバマイクロホンを用いて、音圧レベル約160 dBまでの40 kHz空中超音波を測定した。その測定値について、直線性がよく、ほぼ無指向性であり、集束音場のような複雑な分布において口径に起因する変動がほぼ見られないといった特性を確認した。

Three presentations from Pixie Dust Technologies appeared at the 24th International Congress on Acoustics

Three presentations from Pixie Dust Technologies appeared at the 24th International Congress on Acoustics.

International Congress on Acoustics Web site
Date: 24-28 Oct. 2022

Contents of Presentations

(1) Koichiro Doi, Hiromu Ishikawa, Yoshiki Nagatani, Takayuki Hoshi, and Seiji Nakagawa: Hearing Threshold for 40-kHz Airborne Ultrasound, Proc. International Congress on Acoustics 2022 (ICA2022), ABS-0362, Gyeongju, Korea & Virtual, 24-28 Oct. 2022. [Poster]
[Abstract] In this study, to examine the basic perceptual characteristics of high-intensity airborne ultrasound around dozens of kilohertz, hearing thresholds of 40-kHz tone burst presented by an ultrasonic speaker array were measured in normal hearing participants. As results, the mean hearing threshold was 133.3 ± 2.7 dB SPL.

(2) Takayuki Hoshi and Yoshiki O-oka: Airborne Ultrasonic Phased Array using Custom-made High-intensity Transducers, Proc. International Congress on Acoustics 2022 (ICA2022), ABS-0377, Gyeongju, Korea & Virtual, 24-28 Oct. 2022.
[Abstract] We developed an ultrasonic phased array that can drive 271 custom-made transducers individually and generate more powerful ultrasound at a focal point than a phased array consisting of commercially-available transducers. It was confirmed that the sound pressure level of 40 kHz component exceeded 170 dB at a focal length of 100 mm.

(3) Takayuki Hoshi and Yoshiki O-oka: Linearity and Directivity of Optical Fiber Microphone for 40-kHz Airborne Ultrasound, Proc. International Congress on Acoustics 2022 (ICA2022), ABS-0378, Gyeongju, Korea & Virtual, 24-28 Oct. 2022.
[Abstract] In this study, 40-kHz ultrasonic waves were output in air up to the sound pressure level of about 160 dB and were measured using the optical fiber microphone and its characteristics such as linearity, directivity, and position dependence are reported.