Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.™️




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Takayuki Hoshi and Yoshiki O-oka: Visualization of Focal Point of Airborne Ultrasound with Temperature Sensitive Sheet, AsiaHaptics 2022, Tokyo Satellite, Paper 1, 12 Nov. 2022. [Demo]


Dr. Hoshi, Chief Research Officer of Pixie Dust Technologies, presented his research results at AsiaHaptics2022.

Dr. Hoshi, Chief Research Officer of Pixie Dust Technologies, presented his research results at AsiaHaptics2022.

AsiaHaptics2022 Web site

Contents of Demonstration

Takayuki Hoshi and Yoshiki O-oka: Visualization of Focal Point of Airborne Ultrasound with Temperature Sensitive Sheet, AsiaHaptics 2022, Tokyo Satellite, Paper 1, 12 Nov. 2022. [Demo]

[Abstract] The spatial distribution of airborne ultrasound is often observed by scanning microphones and time consuming. Visualization of spatial distribution by optical methods has also been attempted, however requires the installation of special optic equipment. In this paper, we propose a simple visualization method using a temperature sensitive sheet for high-intensity airborne ultrasound.


星 貴之 / 博士(情報理工学)
2008年 東京大学大学院博士課程修了後、空中超音波触覚をはじめ非接触インタラクションの研究開発に従事。熊本大学助教、名古屋工業大学特任教員、東京大学助教を経て、オープンイノベーションを促進するため2017年にPxDT参画(取締役 CRO)。超音波技術の社会実装に向けた取り組みを進めている。

Takayuki Hoshi received a Ph.D (Information Science and Technology) from the University of Tokyo in 2008. After working as JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists DC2/PD (2007-2009), assistant professor at Kumamoto University (2009-2011), Nagoya Institute of Technology (2011-2016), and the University of Tokyo (2016-2017), he founded Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc. in 2017. He is an expert of wave control technology based on full use of physics and mathematics. He is currently working on social implementation of wave control technology through industry-academia collaboration and open innovation.