Sonoliards Sonoliards


「Sonoliards」は、空間内での⾳の反射を計算し、⼀台の指向性スピーカーでの⾳の聞かせ⽅を最適化する⾳響システムです。 計算機によって場を解析することで、スピーカーができることは⼤きく広がります。聞かせたい相⼿の位置にあわせて天井・壁⾯での反射を利⽤すると、物陰にいる相⼿にも⾳を届けることが可能になります。さらに⼀台の指向性スピーカーを上下左右に振ることで、いろいろな⽅向から⾳が聞こえるように感じさせられます。⼈間が存在する場は絶えず変化しますが、もちろん私たちのシステムもリアルタイムな対応が可能です。相⼿が動いている場合でも、追尾しながら⾳を発することができるため、「⾳が追いかけてくる」ように聞かせることができます。

Sonoliards is a sound system, including a single superdirectional speaker, that calculates the reflection path of sound within a space and optimizes the path. Using computers to analyze the space, the extent of what can be accomplished using the speaker is greatly expanded. According to the position of the target for which the sound is intended, even when the target is hidden behind an object, the sound can be directed to be heard using reflections from the nearby walls and ceiling. Moreover, the target can be made to perceive the sound as coming from different directions by swinging the superdirectional speaker to various directions. Because the space where humans are present changes constantly, our system also must handle real-time operation. It is possible to emit a sound while tracking, even when the person is in motion, thereby imparting the perception that the sound is following the person.

< Case >

< Case >

■Case 1
複数の展⽰物がある会場内で、⾳声ガイドに指向性スピーカーの活⽤を検討しているが、テストをしてみたところ細かい問題が多くて困っている。 お客さんが物陰に⽴っていたり動いていたりする環境でも、演出側でうまく対処できるようなソリューションはないか。

■Case 2

■Case 1
Although audio guidance using a superdirectional speaker has been tested for an exhibition hall, you are now in a difficult situation as actual tests revealed various problems. You are looking for solutions that can be handled suitably from the presenter side, even when the customer is standing behind an object or is in motion.

■Case 2
It is not possible to arrange many speakers and staffs because of a limited budget. You are looking for ways to create a sound environment using a small number of speakers that functions similarly to when many ones are being used.

< 原理 >

< Theory >

まずはスピーカーの位置を固定し、⾳を発した際の伝搬経路をシミュレーションします。壁⾯や床⾯での反射を考慮し、⾳線法に基づいて空間全体を解析します。 ⾳の伝搬経路を予測したら、スピーカーを上下左右に⾸振りさせることで、対象に⾳を届けるための軌道を制御していきます。

指向性スピーカーは特定の⽅向のみにビームを発するため、空間内での反射を利⽤することで障害物の陰に⾳を届ける、特定の⽅向に注意を向けさせるということも可能です。 さらに⾳響追尾・モーションキャプチャなどを活⽤することで、空間内を動く特定の⼈物に特定の位置でのみ⾳を聞かせるような、リアルタイムな対応ができます。

■ Simulation of propagation path of sound emitted by superdirectional speakers
First, the position of the superdirectional speaker is fixed and the propagation path of the sound emitted is simulated. The entire space is then analyzed using the sound-line simulation method, considering reflections from the walls and floors. Once the sound propagation path is estimated, the trajectory for directing the sound to the target is controlled by swinging the speaker in the appropriate direction.

■ Adaptation to the motion of the target and intention of the sender using the analysis results
Because the superdirectional speaker emits sound only in a certain direction, the sound can be directed to positions obscured by obstacles by utilizing reflections, and attention can also be drawn to a specific direction in this manner. Moreover, real-time operations, such as making a specific person moving within a space hear the sound only at a specific location, can be handled by utilizing acoustic tracking and motion capture.

© Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.