Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.™️

We are looking for partner companies for the social implementation of acoustic metamaterial technology


We are looking for partner companies for the social implementation of acoustic metamaterial technology

Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Representative Director: Yoichi Ochiai, Taiichiro Murakami, hereinafter "PxDT"), which promotes digital innovation in viewing and tactile sensations, will solve the social problem of noise. We are looking for partner companies for the social implementation of acoustic metamaterial technology.

Background and Overview

Since the Industrial Revolution, the increase in the number of machines that continue to generate loud noises and the diversification of lifestyles with the development of capitalism have plagued us living in the modern age with various noises such as air conditioning equipment, construction work, transportation infrastructure, and economic activities and home life.
In order to solve such problems, PxDT started selling the acoustic metamaterial sound absorbing material "iwasemi" in 2021. In 2023, we announced the acoustic metamaterial sound insulation technology that "passes air but does not pass sound." To solve the social problem of noise, we are working toward the social implementation of acoustic metamaterial technology.
As of 2023, the size of the acoustic metamaterials market in Japan is said to be about 1.7 billion yen, and the market in 2035 is predicted to be 56.1 billion yen.
(Reference: Fuji Keizai Co., Ltd. "Survey on the acoustic metamaterial market expected as a next-generation soundproofing material")
Under such market conditions, PxDT is one of the few companies in the world that has realized mass production and practical application of acoustic metamaterial technology. We develop and sell an innovative sound absorbing material iwasemi HX-α*1 that can be attached to glass, an innovative hard sound absorbing material iwasemi SQ-α*2 and a transparent sound absorbing panel iwasemi RC-α*3 that harmonizes with glass.
Currently, we are working on the social implementation of acoustic metamaterial technology in various fields such as air conditioning, building materials, equipment, railways, construction, automobiles, aerospace, home appliances, and industrial equipment, as well as offices.

*1 iwasemi HX-α https://pixiedusttech.com/product/iwasemi/hx-a/
*2 iwasemi SQ-α https://pixiedusttech.com/product/iwasemi/sq-a/
*3 iwasemi RC-α https://pixiedusttech.com/product/iwasemi/rc-a/

What is acoustic metamaterial technology?

Metamaterials are a general term for artificial substances that behave in ways that are not found in nature by imparting a fine periodic shape below the wavelength to a substance. By applying this concept to the field of sound waves, acoustic metamaterial technology generates substances with acoustic characteristics that are not found in nature.

Acoustic Metamaterials Market Outlook

Acoustic metamaterial technology can be used in various fields because it is possible to have arbitrary soundproofing performance with lightweight and thin materials. The market size of acoustic metamaterials in Japan in 2023 is expected to be about 1.7 billion yen.
In addition, the market size is expected to reach 56.1 billion yen in 2035, and it is expected to be adopted in the fields of architecture, automobiles, aerospace, and medical devices in the future.
(Reference: Fuji Keizai Co., Ltd. "Survey on the acoustic metamaterial market expected as a next-generation soundproofing material")

Recruitment of social implementation partner companies

Currently, PxDT is accelerating efforts to implement acoustic metamaterial technology in various fields such as air conditioning, building materials, equipment, railways, construction, automobiles, aviation / space, home appliances, and industrial equipment. We are looking for partner companies who can work with us in those industries.
With PxDT's acoustic metamaterial technology, it is possible to achieve both "sound insulation performance" and "breathability", as well as to eliminate noise problems from a sustainable perspective due to the high degree of "freedom of material selection" and "freedom of processing", and to achieve flexible sound absorption frequency characteristics according to the application scene by "flexibility of sound absorption frequency characteristics".
Contact : https://pixiedusttech.com/news/contact/

In addition, the transparent sound-absorbing panel "iwasemi™ RC-α," applying PxDT's acoustic metamaterial technology, will be exhibited at the Eureka Park Japan Pavilion at CES 2024, which will be held in Las Vegas, USA from January 9 to 12, 2024.
* "iwasemi™ RC-α" won the "CES 2024 Innovation Awards" in the category of "Home Appliances", which is given to particularly highly evaluated products.

Name: CES 2024
Official site: https://www.ces.tech/
Dates: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - Friday, January 12, 2024 (US time)
Venue: Eureka Park Booth7, Venetian 1F, Las Vegas, USA
CES 2024 Innovation Award: https://www.ces.tech/innovation-awards/honorees/2024/honorees/i/iwasemi-rc-%ce%b1.aspx

About "iwasemi™"

iwasemi™ is a sound absorbing material developed by applying PxDT's unique sound absorbing design technology to acoustic metamaterial technology. iwasemi™ sound absorbing material has the following three characteristics.
1 Flexibility of sound absorption frequency characteristics
2 Both high sound absorption rate and thinning
3 Freedom of choice of material and high degree of freedom of processing
Related articles: https://pixiedusttech.com/technologies/iwasemi/

About "Sound metamaterial sound insulation material" that "passes air but does not pass sound"

This sound insulation material developed by PxDT uses a metamaterial with a structure that scatters in the opposite phase to generate the incident sound wave and the sound wave in the opposite phase and cancels out the noise. It is possible to achieve both "sound insulation performance" and "breathability" that were difficult to achieve with conventional technology. The main features are the following three.
1 Both high "sound insulation performance" and "breathability"
2 High degree of freedom in selecting materials and high degree of freedom in processing
3 Flexible sound insulation band
Related article: https://pixiedusttech.com/news/news_20230424/

Inquiries regarding this matter

Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc. PR team
Contact: https://pixiedusttech.com/contact/

*iwasemi and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.
*iwasemi HX-α is a product jointly developed by Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc. and Itoki Corporation.