Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.™️

Acoustic metamaterial sound absorbing material iwasemi™SQ-α has been ranked #1 on Amazon’s best-selling rankings


Acoustic metamaterial sound absorbing material iwasemi™SQ-α has been ranked #1 on Amazon’s best-selling rankings

iwasemi™SQ-α, an acoustic metamaterial sound-absorbing material developed by Pixie Dust Technologies Inc. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Directors: Yoichi Ochiai, Taiichiro Murakami, hereinafter referred to as "PxDT"), a company promoting digital innovation in the fields of hearing and touch, has ranked first in the "Soundproofing and Sound Absorption Materials" category of Amazon's best-selling rankings and first place in the best-selling category (as of April 11, 2024, as confirmed on the Amazon rankings and the iwasemi™SQ-α sales site).

"iwasemi™ SQ-α" for a space that draws attention and draws sound

"iwasemi™ SQ-α" is a hard, paintable sound-absorbing material that offers new design possibilities.
It utilizes acoustic metamaterial technology and has high designability and sound absorption performance. If you want to create a sense of grandeur or add an accent to the design, you can achieve the ideal office environment in terms of design while improving the sound environment.

Related article: https://pixiedusttech.com/product/iwasemi/sq-a/

About iwasemi™

iwasemi™ is a sound-absorbing material developed by applying PxDT's unique sound-absorbing design technology to acoustic metamaterial technology. iwasemi™ sound absorbing material has the following three features.

1) Flexibility in sound absorption frequency characteristics
2) Achieving both high sound absorption and thinness
3) Flexibility in material selection and processing

Related articles: https://pixiedusttech.com/technologies/iwasemi/

Inquiries regarding this matter

Pixie Dust Technologies Inc. Public Relations Officer
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