Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.™️

Our company director’s research was featured in the July issue of “Oyo Butsuri” (Applied Physics)


Our company director’s research was featured in the July issue of “Oyo Butsuri” (Applied Physics)

The July issue of "Oyo Butsuri" (Applied Physics) published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics featured an article on the research content of our company's director and CRO, Takayuki Hoshi. The article refers to the airborne ultrasound tactile display developed in 2008, and explains its impact on other research fields and also our company's efforts on this technology.

▼The Japan Society of Applied Physics "Oyo Butsuri" (Applied Physics) July 2024 issue

Information of the contributor of this article

Ph.D. (Information Science and Engineering). After completing his doctoral course at the University of Tokyo Graduate School in 2008, he engaged in research and development of non-contact interaction, including airborne ultrasonic haptics. An expert in wave control technology, making full use of physics and mathematics. After working as an assistant professor at Kumamoto University, a specially appointed lecturer at Nagoya Institute of Technology, and an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, he joined PxDT in 2017 to promote open innovation.

Inquiries regarding this matter

Pixie Dust Technologies Inc. Public Relations Officer
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